Basic Plot: Cobb (Leonardo DiCaprio) cuts a deal with Saito (Ken Watanabe) and agrees to use his ability to enter people's dreams for a special assignment involving business titan Robert Fischer Jr. (Cillian Murphy). Along for the labyrinth-infused ride is Cobb's new mind "architect," Ariadne (Ellen Page). Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Marion Cotillard, Tom Hardy, Tom Berenger and Dileep Rao also star in this sci-fi thriller from writer-director Christopher Nolan.
Rating: 5/5
My Thoughts: This is all time my favorite movie. Christopher Nolan did it again. The concept is truly fascinating, and Leonardo DiCaprio takes his assigned role and blows away all expectations with his performance. The movie left audiences across the world wondering: did the top stop spinning? Any psychological movie that causes the viewer to question his own existence is worth a look at, and Inception does just that.